Save the Date

We’ve been discussing what to do about Rescue Runway – Columbus this year throughout the shelter at home period. About 60% of corporate sponsorship monies have been received , no money has been spent and we’re concerned about the suspected fall uptick of cases of COVID 19. Add to that the number of people who have been furloughed, are struggling to make ends meet and feed their families, the economy is not going to be what it was even 6 months ago.
Unsure of what to do we reached out to our partners at the Franklin Park Conservatory where the Wells Barn is located. We found out that the conservatory has made the difficult decision to suspend in house catering operations until April of 2021. Adding to that the need for continued social distancing, our available number of tickets would be severely limited by as much as half or possibly more.
We’ve made the decision to cancel this years event. We’d rather take a pass and sit this year out and return for our 3rd runway show in 2021 being confident in the safety of our volunteers, attendees and the staff at FPC. It’s not an easy decision, but we feel a responsible one.
We will have T-shirts available for sale with the 2020 logo in Color of the Year, classic blue. Stay tuned for details on a few other fundraising opportunities as they will be announced in the next couple of months. We still represent our partner rescue organizations that need our support, Friends of the Shelter, Grateful Acres Pet Sanctuary, Peace for Paws Ohio & Speak for the Unspoken.
Save the date! We will be back on Sunday, September 12, 2021. We appreciate your support, your dedication to the rescues and dogs that are in such dire need of homes, medical treatment and care.
Stay tuned as we launch some exciting new branded products, including, but not limited to, the exclusive RRC 2020 t-shirt!
Don’t forget this Saturday July 14 th you can help Rescue Runway Columbus simply by eating.
That’s right it’s that simple, just go to Chipotle at 6815 E Broad Street between the hours of 5 pm and 9 pm and either show the below flyer or just tell them you are supporting Rescue Runway and 50 % of the proceeds will be donated to Rescue Runway Columbus.
Saturday July 14 5 pm to 9 pm 6815 E Broad St Columbus, OH
Have you ever stop and thought what would happen to your four legged babies if they ever ended up at Franklin County Dog Shelter? This honestly is something that haunts Jeff and I when it comes to ours. You see Franklin County Dog Shelter is ridiculous when it comes to reasons dogs end up on their euthanasia list. You see if a dog is fearful, timid, or even the slightest dog aggressive they won’t make it onto the adoption floor. They end up not the rescue list and if they aren’t rescue within a certain amount of time, they are for the lack of a better word MURDERED. Some of you may think that is a little harsh of a word but in reality it isn’t.
The reason we feel this way is because we have had and have babies that if god forbid they ended up at the shelter would be on the kill list. Our beloved Klaus as big of a baby that he was would have been lost without his pack and would have been not only afraid but I would wager he would be aggressive as well. You see Dobermans are known as the velcro dogs and they need not only their humans but their pack.
This couldn’t be more true then with one of current babies Zeus. He suffers from not only separation anxiety, he has ADD and is extremely hyper and very much dislikes being away from us and his pack. If he ended up at the shelter I doubt he would even make it to the rescue list. He would be distraught I’m sure they would murder him right away and that makes me sick. Zeus has the biggest heart and at his core a big baby. He just has issues caused by humans that sometimes prevent him from being his true self. That is why Jeff and I are committed to doing anything we can to make sure he is able to find his true self.
Along with that we are also committed to helping rescue as many adoptable as we can. That is why we are constantly raising money for different rescues and why we are planning the Rescue Runway Columbus event in September. We are also committed to getting new leadership in at the Franklin County Dog Shelter because no baby should murdered because of the mistakes humans have made in their past.
So please don’t shop, adopt and if you are going to adopt make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. It does a dog no good if you are going to adopt them and just return them because it doesn’t fit your life. This also adds to the problem.
So I still remember a few months back when Vivian shared a video on Facebook of a runway show for adoptable dogs that I was interested but not sure it was something I really felt we should take on. The main reason I felt that way was our plates are very full between, my classes, Vivian, the house, the charities we already work with, and most importantly our 3 four legged babies. I just didn’t know, first he would have time and secondly if we would be able to pull it off.
However the more I saw Vivian post about dogs that needed fosters and forever homes I started to realize if we didn’t attempt to pull this off we would be going against the very reason we keep Vivian in our lives and that is to help others. Yes I’m very aware of the fact that I complain about Vivian and joke non stop about when she is going to retire but when it comes right down to it I am extremely proud of everything we have accomplished in the 8 years since Vivian was hatched. Out of everything we have accomplished the thing I am most proud of is our work the local animal rescues. The fund raising we have done has help saved many dogs and bring awareness to the ridiculous amount of wonderful dogs that are out there looking for their forever homes. All three of our babies are rescues and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
So one day I said to Vivian let’s do it. Now let’s be honest I’m pretty sure before I came to this conclusion Vivian had already had made up her mind that this was an event we were going to do and was probably just waiting for the correct time to let me know that this was in our future. Either way I’m glad, excited, and honestly a little scared. This is the first time we have attempted something this large and this out of our comfort zone. Yes we have planned many fundraisers before and we do monthly shows with a fund raising component but this is a fashion show for adoptable dogs hosted by a Drag Queen. It really is mix of many different concepts. Luckily we are working with some incredible organizations to make this happen: Alternative Fashion Mob, Bella Run Equine, Cause for Paws, Friends of the Shelter, I Have a Dream Rescue Organization, Peace for Paws Ohio, and Speak for the Unspoken. I’m confident that working with these incredible selfless individuals we’ll be able give up to 60 dogs a chance to find their forever homes. So if you are reading this please head on over to the Rescue Runway Columbus Facebook page and like it so you can keep up to date on our progress and know when tickets go on sale. Also if you want you can donate to our cause as well.
The one thing I would like to leave you with is this picture that was shared on Facebook today. All four of these babies were returned to the shelter for pathetic reasons and need forever home. Look at how sad all four of them are, all they want is for someone to love them. If a picture is worth a thousand words then this one is worth a thousand reasons to attend Rescue Runway Columbus on Sept 9 at The Wells Barn.
This is what rescue looks like, one living in a garage in a crate with no bedding in -10 degree weather the other bounced from home to home until by age 1 1/2 he’d had three homes and was sitting in a kill shelter in TN.
this moment, from this morning, will resonate with me for the remainder of my days…the result of unconditional love and commitment on our part to make it work, no matter what!
Zeus loves his pack, and he loves Luki, and L just let Z get up on that loveseat and snuggle in…just 2 of my boys, my heart is overflowing.
Our purpose with Rescue Runway – Columbus is to give other dogs the chance to find their forever home, their pack, unconditional love and sense of belonging.
Won’t you join us?
Don’t forget to shop the Rescue Runway Columbus 2018 Collection at Society 6. It’s a great way to support this unique event.
This is Buddy, a foster from Peace for Paws Ohio. Three Queen Drag Brunch‘s patron raised an impressive $2,000 for his heartworm treatment last month. This is why we all do what we do! Thanks to everyone for ever dollar raised!